Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Onsite Massage

Solscape has welcomed 3 new inspiring local massage practioners to provide treatments on site in the beautiful private kahuna treatment room with bush views.

Also new for Solscape massage is donating to a cause.
A generous percentage from each massage is donated to the Sea Sheperd Conservation Society - defending & protecting oceans and ocean wildlife around the world.

Shiatsu with Jenny
Shiatsu is ancient bodywork, originating in Japan. It is a sensitive, supportive form of healing and relaxation using acupressure and gentle stretches to restore balance and promote well being. It takes place fully clothed on a traditional Japanese style futon and lasts about an hour"

Spiritual Healing and Therapeutic Massage with Tatsu
Aura Therapy begins by cleaning and recharging your spiritual energy field with Aura Energy. This allows the healing of your soul, mind and body and includes the treatment of physical and mental pain. By purifying your soul this treatment helps you to increase your awareness of yourself, putting you in touch with your life path and life potential.

Cultural Bodywork with Bernadette & Madelin

Pacific Elixir: This is a unique treatment drawing on traditional Hawaiian healing oil massage. This rhythmic, flowing technique cleanses all systems of the body, clears the mind and invigorates the soul. You will float off the table feeling renewed with a sense of well being and inner strength.

Treatments: 60mins $65, 90mins $85.

To book email or call +64 7 825 8268

Happy Earth Day!

This past weekend Soslcape was involved in organizing the National Permaculture Hui sponsored by Permaculture in New Zealand. It was a great weekend here in Whaingaroa full of much sharing, celebration, and fantastic kai. Local permaculture practitioners were able to showcase the many fabulous projects that are ongoing in Raglan and non-local practitioners were able to share their skills and ideas through workshops and open forums.

Here at Solscape we are feeling energized and envigorated by the passion of our colleagues near and far. One way that we have decided to build on the energy from the hui is by offering Practical Permaculture Workshops this winter. These workshops will offer hands-on guidance through topics touched on in most Permaculture Design Courses, and are open to both beginner and accomplished "greenies". Topics will include: organic veggie gardening, designing swales and water systems, including chickens in garden rotation, and much more. Stay tuned for more information regarding dates, and topics.